are overdue loans ruining your love life?In a recent survey of 1,000 Americans, a whopping 32% responded that financial stress about overdue loans has impacted their love life. Even more disconcerting? The fact that 46% of them have delayed starting a family because of their finances.

Almost half the people surveyed aren’t having kids because of the stress from overdue loans!

The collective debt of the average American keeps growing and growing with no end in sight. We are discovering that the worry and stress are spilling over into other parts of their lives.

Factoring Finances in Dating

So many people are buried in overdue loans, mortgages, and student debt. More and more people are making financial matters a part of their screening process. The “beautiful people” are now taking a step down, and being replaced by people with good credit.

Over one third of the people surveyed said that outstanding debt, and how a person manages their money, is a deciding factor in settling down with that person. A high credit score, a retirement account, and proper budgeting skills are more attractive than ever to potential mates.

So maybe everyone needs to spend a little less time grooming and little more time getting their finances in order?

Are Overdue Loans Sinking Your Love Boat?

This survey is not an aberration, it a reflection of how times are changing. A different survey found that 40% of 2000 people surveyed thought a person’s credit score was more important than their physical fitness.

More than ever before, financial fitness is important for finding and settling down with a good partner.

Financial fitness and a lack of overdue loans are important for maintaining a good ongoing relationship.

Keeping your finances in order won’t just help you find “the One.” It can also help you keep your relationship healthy and happy. The stress from these loans, bills, and debts can slowly crush you, and it can also hurt the ones you love.

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